Saturday, September 21, 2013

"The Orphan and the Alcoholic"

Here are  few close-up and detail shots of one of the larger, new mixed-media pieces that I recently completed, and installed for my latest opening last night at the McColl Center. This piece, like "The Important Woman" (described in an earlier blog entry), pushes the relationship between the heads depicted in my drawings and the actual found objects that are now projecting forward from the drawings on small integrated shelves.

With my latest pieces, the shelves are getting much wider and broader and can accommodate bulkier objects. I am experimenting with scale and composition in the drawings, to see how the heads play against these larger, more present three dimensional elements. 

Another opening, another show!

So last night was another great opening at the McColl Center. I met a lot of interesting new people and got a lot of interesting, supportive (and refreshingly honest!) feedback on my current work, and on the state of the arts in general. Seeing as how we are now rounding out the month of September, the fall school session is in full swing and students from area colleges filled out the crowd with a nice buzz of energy and enthusiasm. Several of my current students from CPCC showed up as well, so here's a shout-out to all my Drawing and Art Appreciation people at Central Piedmont.

Here are some images of my latest arrangement of the studio space for the event. I am displaying a variety of older work and quite a few pieces that were started and completed while here in Charlotte, as well as a new large work in progress.