Monday, April 30, 2012

A few new pages...

Here are a few new pages from my hopefully VERY soon to be self published artist book, "Fremde". There's a lot to explain here when looking at these individual pages out of context, but here's a general idea of what's going on:
Each page on the left shows several small photos that I picked up while stumbling around thrift stores and flea markets in Bavaria while on an artist residency at a German Kunstlerhaus in summer 2010. Each page on the right shows a small painting that was made from these photos cut-up, collaged, and sewn together with my own drawings and found materials. This project is all about the pitfalls of translation; the tug and pull of visual information that shifts when an image or ideas slides from one language (or point of view) into another. I have been working on these individual book pages off and on for over a year now, and golly! am I ready to see the final product. All the components (image, text, backgrounds...) put together at last, for better or for worse...

1 comment:

  1. Book arts! This will be such a dandy project when it's all done.

    Which will be... when, now?
