Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New studio, new work: "Jesters"

This little series of three new mixed media pieces are among the first things I have started and completed here at the McColl Center. As is my standard practice, I have many different projects (of all shapes, sizes, and materials) going on in my studio at once. On any given day I will bounce from project to project, which really fits my creative work method, but can prove problematic when it comes to finishing actual art objects. So to solve this problem I have put myself on something of a schedule, with a general goal of completing at least 3 to 5 new things each month. I decided to start small and experimental, and came up with these "Jesters" for the month of June. Each is mixed media on watercolor paper (acrylic wash, ink, graphite and colored pencil) stitched into a handmade cardboard and found object frame.

The name "Jesters" was suggested by my friend and fellow McColl Center artist-in-residence Natalie Abrams, when she and several other artists were visiting my studio for a critique a couple of weeks ago. The name captures the squiggling, dancing quality I wanted these abstracted forms to have while floating in their somewhat medieval looking frames.

As with most of my drawings, these all started from a place of observation and study. Here is the striped cloth object that I sewed together to use as a "model" for the series:

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